1966 Chevrolet Impala

Chevrolet Impala (Same over 13 years)

This Chevrolet Impala was a bit of a beast under the hood, and as you can see it is fitted with twin Edelbrock 1403 (500 cfm) carbs.

Jaguar  XK120 Tuning - BY AG Classic Car Tuning

The pre-tune brief from the owner was that it was a little sensitive to start (cold or hot), didn't really like to idle, had cut out when stopping for a junction etc and seemed to run very hot (even for an American engine).   My response was....'OK let me see what I find which could be the cause of these symptoms?'.

With a light clean the ignition timing marks could be soon identified, and of course TDC was verified as true and correct.  Ignition timing at idle was dialled in correctly before work then started on the fuelling side of the tune up.

Throttle transfer rods were balance, idle air balanced, CO% analysed together with AFR checks.......the prior 'grumpy' engine was soon dialled in and both ran ran and idled as it should do.  Job done....

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