Mobile - Classic Car Tuning Specialist


'Old school tuning ...for old school cars!!

The Frequently Asked Questions

As you can imagine there are certain questions which I am asked time after time, and I end up writing the same repeat answer to over and over again.  So here are a few of those typical questions, and links to the appropriate page on my website which hopefully provides the answer/explanation which you require.

1) Do you provide MOBILE Tuning at the vehicle owners location - YES I do, please see the MOBILE SUPPORT PAGE.

2) I'm quite a distance away from you, is this a problem? - NO, it's not a problem see the MOBILE SUPPORT PAGE its all explained there.

3) What are your charges - Please see my PRICING PAGE

4)  My car was built in the mid 1980's or later can you still tune it? - From the mid to late 1980's many cars started to utilise and ECU (Electronic Control UNIT).  If your car has an ECU there are certain factors of tuning which your ECU should be doing and controlling by its self.  In which case, its most likely that there is very little which I can do to help tune your vehicle.  Ask me by all means, however the answer could be 'NO' if you're using an ECU.

5) I'm booked in, do you need me to warm the car up before you arrive - No, it is likely that I'll only have one opportunity to observe the cold start behaviour of your car.  If it's already warmed up when I arrive, we've just wasted that one opportunity.

6)  Is there anything I need to do to prepare for your visit? - Yes, please look at the page called 'preparing for a tune up'

7)  Am I ok to watch what you're doing? - It is generally preferred if I can be left to do my job without facing 101 questions and potential distractions.  Please see the page 'Can I watch, will you teach me?'


8)  How much will it cost?  What's the typical cost? Can you give me a ball park price? - As I often say to people my charges are time based, because prior to arrival I am often completely blind to your actual car.  Including all the factors which are good and correct, plus all the factors which are not.  Until I've found why it isn't running correctly right now, how would I know how long it will take to fix/correct via tuning?  All I can tell you is how long it should take, however it is subject to variation based on what I actually find.

9)  What's your recommendation? -  People often throw this question in, regarding all types carbs, distributors and other.  Perhaps with a strange belief that I am an Information Help Desk waiting to write explanations to them.  Please remember that whilst this may be your hobby, this is actually my paid profession, and hence my professional support, advice and consultancy does carry a premium.

10)  My Car is modified can you still tune it? - Yes, perhaps %60+ of the cars which I tune have been modified in some way (carbs, cams, head, exhaust etc etc etc)

11)  Do you provide any club/group/society related discounts - Yes, however they need to be current, formally agreed with the group and agreed in advance.

12) Do you carry spares? - Yes I carry a lot of generic spares, however I'm definitely not a classic car superstore on wheels.  Unfortunately, it is physically impossible to carry a spare of everything for every car that that I work on.

13)  After tuning, how long will it last until I need to book in again ? - This is an impossible question to answer simply because of the massive amount of variations which can take place.  Driving styles, annual mileages, component qualities and of course your vehicle remains 40, 50, 60+ years old.

14)  Can I bring my car to you ? - YES you can if it s pre-arranged.  Just like my mobile work, I need to construct a viable working day either on the road or at the workshop.  A couple of hour work alone on one car is better than nothing at all, but not was inviting or viable within a working day as 6 or 7 hours of paid work.

15)  Can you do me a written report for my records? - YES, sure I can.  Please note though, it make take an hour or two to write such a report and that time can;t simply be given for free because you would like it to be for your records.

16)  Can I pay you by card?  Cash? Or Bank Transfer? - Any of these are fine, and payment should be made on the day of tuning.  Charges may be applied for providing the convenience of card payment.....(approx 1.75%) Please see Pricing Details

17 Can you call me so I can discuss my enquiry with you? - Yes & No.  Please remember that I am on the road 85% of the time either travelling to jobs or working on cars.  At certain times of the year I may get 6, 8 or 10 missed calls in a single day.  It's often not possible to return each call, just to find out if the enquiry is viable or simply to 'pick my brains' and provide technical advice to the enquirer. Your understanding is kindly appreciated on this topic!

AG Classic Car Tuning Enquiry Form........THANK YOU!!raph

Contact Us

Bookings now being taken ahead of the 2025 Classic Car Show Season. 

Please trust me when I say the early part of any year is always super busy! 

Book your classic car in now to secure your place.   

Thank you!!

Contact Details

07500 103227

Kirkbymoorside & Malton

North Yorkshire

(Mobile or garage support)

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