Ford Capri 2.8i

This Ford Capri 2.8i, was backfiring...popping banging....but going nowhere so the owner asked AG Classic Car Tuning to help him out

The health check and tune started by confirmation tests proving that this Capri was running a ballast ignition and at some point in its life it had been re-wired and the original ballast wiring removed and replaced with new.  However the ignition system wasn't happy at all....

After health checking numerous components, numerous potential causes of the problems were found.  The then 'primary' issue being the ignition coil which was showing fluctuation primary and secondary resistance values, mainly out of tolerance and spec for what this 6 cylinder engine requires.   Time to swap them out and install a new ignition coil.

Ford Capri 2.8i Tuned by AG Classic Car Tuning

Once the coil had been swapped out it was then time to bring more consistency and correctness to other key components.  All spark plugs were removed, replaced and correctly gapped with consistency.  The ignition timing was then set statically, followed by dynamically via a strobe with advance and retard function.   All good foundations towards a healthy smooth running engine and significant steps closer to the engine running as it should be.

After ensuring that the ignition was good and healthy it was time to look towards the fuelling.  Unfortunately these old fuel injection pipes are prone towards splitting.  On the cold start idle enrichment circuit I noted the slightest of splits in one of the fuel injection pipes at the fuel pump manifold, so I swapped it out immediately.

2.8i injection pipe issues

With the ignition back on song and on spec, the fuelling rectified one of the final stages was to check that everything was working together in harmony and that the car had both a good static and dynamic battery charge.  Time for the Capri t be back out on the road and as tail happy as the day that it was first registered.

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