Carburettor repairs / overhaul

SU, Solex, Weber, Dellorto, Pierberg, Nikki, Autolite... etc etc etc.....

Modern fuels - There is very little doubt that modern fuels can be quite aggressive towards many of the materials used on classic cars.   I'm not about to write a book on the topic, but let's just say it is already fairly well known and documented.

In addition to material compatibility, there are then difference in regards to both 'octane' and 'calorific' values when comparing traditional and modern fuels also.  Octane and Calories are two different properties of the fuel, hence don't confuse the two.

Austin Healey BN7 Triple SU Carbs, HS4
Weber 34 DATR
Aston Martin DBS V8 Vantage, overhauled, refitted and tuned.
Ford Autolite 4100 MK1 Mustang
Zenith 36 WIP-3 twin carbs
VW type Solex Carb
Dellorto DHLA 45
Weber 35 DCNL (Lancia Flaminia GT)

Thorough and correct overhaul (As per the below)

Below is a Weber DCOE 40 which has been stripped, cleaned using multiple methods and stages, inspected, checked and is now ready for a full overhaul and rebuild.  The sad part about this case is that it is one of the many sent to us which had supposedly been recently done by others.  However, as ever we found 'beads' present internally, bearings which were filthy, sloppy and had clearly not been touched in years and many other factors which simply aren't good enough. 

Hopefully you'll have your carbs overhauled by AG Classic Car Tuning, however even if you don't......then please ask 'whoever' for pictures of your carbs in a fully stripped down stage as per the below.  Superficially cleaned on the outside simply isn't good enough......however it is exactly what a lot of other companies seem to be doing!! Take is becoming increasingly common.

Weber DCOE 40, stripped for overhaul
Healey 3000 Twin HD8 SU Carbs

The above twin HD8 SU carbs were taken from a Healey 3000.....  During a tuning session it revealed that the jets were worn, the idle air bypasses had no 'cause or effect' on idle speed and other issues.   On strip down for overhaul, it became clear that these carbs had been overhauled before, during which they'd got somethings right and some things very wrong.   But ultimately the reason for the idle air bypass screws having no effect...became very clear!  All resolved now, refitted an re-tuned for the owner to enjoy once again. 

When carburettors are blocked or need repairing?

The carburettors used on most classic cars consist of float bowls / reservoirs, jets, needles, emulsion tubes and various fine capillaries.   It is incredibly easy for these to become blocked, and result in a carburettor/s which will not function correctly. 

Sometimes they can be given a simple clean, however more often than not they can require a full overhaul and either a service kit fitted, or a more complete repair/overhaul kit fitted.

On the below pic, the green slime is what existed inside the float bowl of one carb from a set of twins........not difficult to see why only one carb was functioning!!!


  • Carb Damage

    SU Carb H4 Float bowl 'Ethanol' slime.

  • Oxides & debrit

    SU, HS4 Float Bowl

    Oxide & Debris

  • Corrosion and blockage

    Write your caption here
  • Faulty needle valve

    Faulty / leaking needle valve


Below are a 2 sets of Triple Zenith 40 TIN down draught carburettors. 

  • Fully overhauled
  • Deep cleaned
  • Pressure tested to observe maximum needle valve capability
  • Float height set physically and via external sight measure
  • Engineer blue'd on all gasket surfaces
  • Prepped to Porsche's exact specification.
1971 Porsche 911T Carburettors, Zenith 40 TIN overhauled by AG Classic Car Tuning

Mechanical Damage to Carburettors

Most carburettors have 'wear and tear' maintenance items which allow them to function.....shafts, bearings, needles, jets, floats, valves.  In the worst case scenario, the result is petrol leakage and the risk of fire.

Of lesser severity is when the vacuum created by the engine can draw air in via a leaking spindle bush, diaphragm, seal or gasketed seem.   Instead of pulling in a fuel and air mix as per the carburettors design, its far easier for the engine to pull in air instead.

HS4 SU Carb Spindle wear

Carburettor Repairs and Overhaul

On a 'case by case' basis, we are often able to carry out repairs and overhaul to almost all carburettor makes and models.   As a general rule, we do this as an extension of our tuning work, to then be installed / setup & tuned by AG Classic Car Tuning.

Ofcourse....subject to the relevant overhaul kits being available!!

  • Triumph GT6 Twing Zenith Stromberg CD150

    Triumph GT6 Twing Zenith Stromberg CD150

  • Healey 3000 BN7

    Healey 3000 BN7 3 x HS4

  • MGB HS4

    MGB HS4 Twin SU's

  • Ford Prefect Solex

    1953 Ford Prefect Solex

  • Twin HS4 (Kit Car)

    Twin HS4's for a kit car

  • Sonic bath cleaning

    Mini Cooper 'S' inlet, sonic bath cleaning

  • MGB HIF4, Twin SU

    MGB 1800 Twin HIF4 SU

  • Stromberg Twin CD125

    Hillman Imp Rally Car, Twin CD125 Stromberg

  • Sprite 1098

    FIA Sprite 1098, Twin HS2 SU's

  • Engineer 'blue' surface prepared

    Surfaces engineer 'blue' prepared

  • Alvis TA21 H4 TH SU's

    Alvis TA21, 2 x H4 TH (with aux carb)

  • Jaguar MK2 2.4 Solex B32 PB1S

    Jaguar MK2 2.4, Solex B32 PB1S twin Carbs

  • Weber, Solex, Delorto, SU, Zenith, Stromberg...etc etc

    Carb overhaul examples

    Weber IDF48 Stripped for inspection

    Click to see examples
  • Weber 34 DATR

    Weber 34 DATR, overhauled and cleaned (Fiat X19)

  • AM DBS V8 Vantage

    Weber 48 IDF x 4, overhauled, fitted and tuned

  • Porsche 911T

    Zenith 42 TIN down draught, stripped overhauled and enrichment circuit delete

  • Lotus Esprit Turbo Twin Delorto DHLA 45

    Lotus Esprit Turbo Twin Delorto DHLA 45

    Lotus Esprit Turbo Twin Delorto DHLA 45

    Lotus Esprit Turbo Twin Delorto DHLA 45

Lotus Esprit Turbo Twin Delorto DHLA 45
Jaguar MK2 2.4 Solex B32 PB1S
Hillman Imp Rally Car, twin Stromberg CD125
MGB HS4 SU Carburretors
Triumph GT6, twin Zenith Stromberg CD150 carbs
Jaguar 2.4 Carb (Twin Solex 32PBI-5)
Alvis TA21   Twin SU H4 TH carbs with Aux choke overhauled by AG Classic Car Tuning
Aston Martin Weber IDF48 carbs stripped for overhaul
VW T2, Solex 32-34 PBIST
Rover SD1 2600, HIF6 SU's

Above....MK1 Ford Mustang 289Ci....Ford Autolite 4100 carb removed, overhauled, refit and tuned by AG Classic Car Tuning.

Carb Overhaul Enquiries

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